Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kira Muratova

Kira Muratova
Kira Georgijewna Muratowa (russ. Кира Ð"еоргиевна Муратова, wiss. Transliteration Kira Georgievna Muratova; * 5. November 1934 in Soroca / Bessarabien, heute Precio de la entrada. Sesión Xcèntric: 3,60 € / Reducida: 3,00 € Abono 5 sesiones: 12,50 € / Reducido: 10,00 € Amigos del CCCB: GRATUITO Kira Muratova is a post-soviet film director working in Ukraine, screenwriter and actress. She was born in 1934 in Bessarabia (present-day Moldova).
Kira Muratova
Kira Muratova is a post-soviet film director working in Ukraine, screenwriter and actress. She was born in 1934 in Bessarabia (present-day Moldova). Key Phrase page for Kira Muratova: Books containing the phrase Kira Muratova
Kira Muratova
Kira Muratova: "What is most important to me is to please myself" Dmitry Desyaterik Publication date: 11 September 2002 I n the Ukrainian cinema space, Kira Muratova is both a
Kira Muratova
Seagull Films is the only programming, preservation and distribution company in North America that specializes in art cinema from Russia and the former Soviet region. Kira Georgijewna Muratowa (russ. Кира Ð"еоргиевна Муратова, wiss. Transliteration Kira Georgievna Muratova; * 5. November 1934 in Soroca / Bessarabien, heute Kira Muratova: "What is most important to me is to please myself" Dmitry Desyaterik Publication date: 11 September 2002 I n the Ukrainian cinema space, Kira Muratova is both a
Kira Muratova
Kira Muratova è una delle più acclamate e insieme controverse registe del cinema contemporaneo in Russia e Ucraina, ma anche una delle più sottovalutate e ingiustamente ignorate Kira Muratova: The Filmmaker's Companion 4 (The KINOfiles Filmmaker's Companions): Jane Taubman: Books

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